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HKBU 65th Commencement – Associate Degree and Higher Diploma Programmes

HKBU 65th Commencement
- Associate Degree and Higher Diploma Programmes


HKBU 65th Commencement – Associate Degree and Higher Diploma Programmes


2. Information for Graduates

Graduates who have successfully completed or students who are expected to complete the Associate Degree or Higher Diploma programmes in the Academic Year of 2023/24 will be invited to attend the HKBU 65th Commencement - Associate Degree and Higher Diploma Programmes.



Invitations to the Commencement will be sent to eligible graduates/students by email. Those who would like to attend the event are required to register their attendance on or before the stipulated deadline at the online registration platform: Potential graduates are required to verify their personal data as recorded at the student database before proceeding to registration of attendance.


All participants are required to wear a set of academic regalia at the Commencement. Details on the rental of academic regalia are given in section: Arrangements on Collection, Return and Payment of Academic Regalia.


Date Events
28 March 2024 Invitation emails will be sent to eligible graduates/students of 2024
22 April 2024 Deadline for eligible graduates/students of 2024 to confirm attendance and update personal data (if necessary) at the online registration platform
By 26 April 2024 Confirmation emails will be sent to eligible graduates/students of 2024 who have registered for the event at the online registration platform
Mid-May 2024 Acknowledgement emails with e-tickets will be sent to eligible graduates/students of 2024 who have registered for the event
11 May to 14 June 2024 Eligible graduates/students of 2024 to rent academic regalia from the service provider
15 June 2024 HKBU 65th Commencement - Associate Degree and Higher Diploma Programmes


Graduates who need to update their personal data and contact information should do so via the online registration platform by 12 April 2024.


Graduates should make sure that the name as recorded in the student database is the same as that on the HKID Card as it will be printed on the graduation diplomas. If amendment of name is needed, please provide supporting documents (e.g. copy of HKID Card/deed poll) to the SCE Registry for verification.



An admission ticket will be given to each graduate who has registered for the ceremony. Due to limited seating capacity, each participating graduate may invite up to TWO accompanying guests only. Details regarding the admission tickets will be announced in due course.


Graduates will receive a PDF file which consists of their own graduate ticket and the guest ticket(s) (if applicable) via email. Graduates should PRINT the ticket(s) and pass the guest ticket(s) to their accompanying guest(s) in advance. All participants must present their tickets for admission to the AC Hall. Those without tickets will not be allowed to enter the venue.


Each participant is assigned a seat at the event and the seat number is printed on the admission ticket. All participants should sit in their assigned seats.


Since we need to strictly observe the seating capacity requirement of the venue, please note that ad-hoc registration on the event day will NOT be entertained.



Gown: A black robe of simple traditional style

Award Stole Colour
Associate of Arts Sky Blue
Associate of Science Gold Yellow
Higher Diploma in Commercial Design Citron
Higher Diploma in Creative Film Production Citron
Higher Diploma in Data Science Gold Yellow
Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education Citron
Higher Diploma in Management Silver Grey


All graduates attending the Commencement must wear a set of academic regalia. Victoria Uniform has been commissioned for the academic regalia rental services, and graduates should rent the academic regalia for use on the day of the Commencement from one of the four outlets before the event. Those who do not dress in full academic regalia will not be allowed to go on the stage. The SCE should not be held responsible for refund of the rental payment in case the Commencement is cancelled because of adverse weather or any other extenuating circumstances.


Remarks: For issues relating to the academic regalia rental services, please contact Victoria Uniform directly. Neither the SCE nor the University is involved in the deal between graduates and the service provider.


A. Academic Regalia: A full set of academic regalia consists of a gown and a stole
B. Service Provider: Victoria Uniform (
C. Service Period: 11 May to 14 June 2024
D. Rental Period and Charges

The rental period is counted on a 35-calendar-day basis, with both day of collection and day of return inclusive. Rental periods of less than 35 calendar days will also be counted as 35 days. An extension fee will be charged if extension of the rental period is required. Upon collection of the academic regalia, graduates are required to pay both the rent and deposit. The deposit will be refunded upon return of the academic regalia in good condition. For details, please visit the website of the service provider.
E. Rental Procedure

Please visit the website of Victoria Uniform at to make online reservations for the academic regalia. Kindly input the institution code of HKBUADHD24 when making a reservation. Information on the address, opening hours and telephone numbers of the rental outlets could be found via the website.


Download here for information on rental of academic regalia: PDF Download



For graduates who require special assistance during the Commencement, e.g. wheelchair users or persons with reduced mobility, please indicate in the “remark” field when performing online registration.


  1. Arrival Time of Graduates (Session 1: 10:00 a.m.; Session 2: 2:00 p.m.)
    To ensure a smooth running of the event, graduates should wear the academic regalia and arrive at the event venue according to the above arrival time. Late arrivals or those without the academic regalia will not be allowed to go onto the stage.
  2. Seating Arrangement for Graduates

    All graduates should present the graduate ticket for admission and sit according to the assigned seat number. The number is assigned in accordance with the programme order and sequence. Please DO NOT swap seats with others.


    During the presentation of diplomas, each graduate’s name will be called out. Please follow the instructions given by the duty staff.


    Graduates and guests are required to remain in their seats during the whole event except when graduates are called up to the stage.

  3. Dress Code for the Commencement
    The Commencement is a formal occasion and graduates should dress properly. Collared shirts, dark coloured trousers/skirts are recommended. Jeans, sneakers or sandals of any kind are considered inappropriate for the function. Those who do not dress properly or without an academic regalia will not be allowed to go onto the stage.
  4. Parking Arrangement
    There will be NO parking facilities available for graduates and their guests.


Audiences are NOT allowed to take photos or videos whilst the event is in progress. The SCE has arranged a professional photography service provider to take photos/videos inside the AC Hall during the Commencement. You can order photographs or videos from the service provider. Please click here for details.


Remarks: Purchasing of photographs is voluntary and should be arranged directly with the service provider. Neither the SCE nor the University is involved in the deal between graduates and the service provider.



Diplomas will be dispatched to students after the Senate has approved all graduation matters. Please click “here” for details of the collection schedule.


Further arrangements regarding the collection of diplomas will be announced via email in due course.