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Job Vacancies


Part-time Instructors for Applied Learning Courses

07 JUN 2024

Part-time Instructors for Applied Learning Courses


The School of Continuing Education (SCE) is one of the eight Faculties/Schools of the University. The School, operating on a self-financed basis, offers a wide range of full-time and part-time programmes in various academic disciplines and professional areas.


Applications are now invited for the position of part-time instructors for the NSSC Applied Learning Courses commissioned by the Education Bureau for offering to the Senior Secondary Students in the September 2024 Academic Year. The teaching duties include but not limited to curriculum development, preparation of course materials, classroom teaching and marking of student assessments.  Classes will be held on weekdays day-time and /or Saturdays.




A. Exercise Science and Health Fitness

(Ref. No.: PRSCEP0090/23-24)  Apply Now

  • Coaching Techniques and Group Exercise Practicum
  • Contemporary Sports and Recreation Management
  • Exercise Psychology, Coaching Ethics and Team Building
  • Sports Development in Hong Kong
  • Nutrition and Health

(Ref. No.: PRSCEP0091/23-24)  Apply Now  

  • Prevention and Basic Treatment in Sports Injuries
  • Physical Training and Fitness Assessment
  • Practicum: Design of Elite Sports Training
  • Practicum: Sports Coaching in Community 


B. Law Enforcement in Hong Kong # (Ref. No.: PRSCEP0092/23-24)   Apply Now  

  • Basic Criminology
  • Conduct and Attributes of Law Enforcement Officers
  • Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
  • Law Enforcement Agencies in Hong Kong
  • Law Enforcement Work in Hong Kong
  • Legal Principles of Law Enforcement
  • Recruitment and Selection of Disciplined Forces in Hong Kong


(# Note: The Medium of Instruction is in Cantonese.)


C. Practical Psychology (Ref. No.: PRSCEP0093/23-24)  Apply Now  

  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Lifespan Development
  • Personality and Learning
  • Social Psychology and Abnormal Behaviors
  • Health and Positive Psychology
  • Experiential Learning Programme


D. Tech Basics (Ref. No.: PRSCEP0094/23-24)  Apply Now  

  • Data Analysis and Big Data
  • Data Science Programming
  • Data Science Project in Practice
  • Fundamentals of Information Technology
  • Machine Learning for Data Science



  1. Applicants should possess at least a recognized bachelor degree in (i) Sports Science, Physical Education for course in Area (A); (ii) Criminology / Law Enforcement / Justice Administration / Law / Policing / Disciplined Force Management or equivalent in Area (B); (iii) Psychology / Counselling Psychology in Area (C); (iv) Computer Science / Data Science / Artificial Intelligence /Cybersecurity for course in Area (D); or equivalent;
  2. Teaching experience at secondary school / tertiary level is expected;
  3. Interactive presentation, teaching and facilitating skills; and
  4. Preference will be given to candidates who are familiar with young people’s mindset and learning habit.



Applicants are invited to submit their applications at the HKBU e-Recruitment System ( Applicants not invited for interview 3 months after submission of application may consider their applications unsuccessful. Details of the University's Personal Information Collection Statement can be found at


The School reserves the right not to make an appointment for the post advertised, and the appointment will be made according to the terms and conditions then applicable at the time of offer.


Review of applications is ongoing until the positions are filled.

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