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HKBU Early Childhood Education Student Wins Gold Award in the 5th Outstanding Prospective Teachers Election

11 APR 2018

Lulu Heung Hoi-man, a Year 4 student of Bachelor of Education (Hons) in Early Childhood Education from Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) School of Continuing Education (SCE), won the Gold Award in the 5th Outstanding Prospective Teachers Election jointly organised by the Hong Kong Prospective Teachers’ Association and the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association.


Taking the election as an opportunity to broaden her horizons, Lulu was much surprised by her achievement. “I learnt about this competition through my lecturer. Having searched for further information, I found it a great chance to exchange pedagogical views with industry leaders and peers, hence my decision to take on the challenge.” She sees the award as recognition of her efforts, and the best reward to her family for their unfailing support.


Lulu is also grateful to her lecturers. “They have been most generous in sharing their experience. My special thanks go to my dissertation supervisor, Dr. Janice Poon, for offering me professional guidance and advice in my studies and participation in the competition.”


Upon completing her internship, Lulu will be attending the 2018 OMEP World Assembly and Conference in Prague, Czech, in June. She intends to further her studies after gaining substantial teaching experience.





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