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Applied Learning Courses


Applied Learning Courses ─ Tech Basics
高中應用學習課程 ─ 資訊科技精要

Qualifications Framework Level : 3
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Chinese / English

「Applied Learning」Course Features

The Senior Secondary Applied Learning Courses offered by the School aims to provide a choice of elective subjects as part of the New Senior Secondary (NSS) Curriculum. These subjects focus on broad professional and vocational fields in which students may have a future career interest. The unique features of the Applied Learning Courses are:

  • allows students to deepen their understanding in a broad area in which they have a strong interest, with a view towards possibly developing their interest into a lifelong career.
  • enables students to learn fundamental theoretical knowledge as well as practical and generic skills in their area of interest. These skills are often consolidated through hands-on experiential learning.
  • provides a more holistic education in the New Senior Secondary Curriculum by teaching a wide range of competencies such as analytical, problem solving and presentation skills together with interpersonal skills such as team work, communication skills and a positive attitude towards lifelong learning.
  • adopts a variety of teaching methods to motivate students to learn. This includes small group coaching, mentorships, company visits, simulation exercises, workshops, group games, role play and project work.

NewTaster Programmes of Applied Learning (2024-26 Cohort) 



This course introduces the basic concepts of information technology, including programming, data analysis, big data, data science and machine learning. The course focuses on the practical skills that are required for the new-collar jobs created by the information technology industry in the future. The course enhances students’ understanding of the computer science and data analysis, as well as their interest and ability in innovation technology through diversified learning and teaching activities. It also develops students’ proper values and attitudes, preparing them for further studies and work in future in the IT industry.


Special Features :

  • Company Visit
    Visit world's class Tech companies which expose students to the practical application of frontier technologies in IT.
  • Industry Membership

    Students aged 16 or above from Tech Basics course can apply as a Student Member in Hong        Kong Computer Society.

Course Structure (total 5 modules)New

  • Fundamentals of Information Technology (30 hours)

  • Data Science Programming (39 hours)
  • Data Analysis and Big Data (36 hours) 
  • Machine Learning for Data Science (36 hours)
  • Data Science Project in Practice (39 hours)

Mode 1 :  HKBU(SCE) Learning Centres 

Mode 2 :  Students’ own school

Course fee will be fully subsidized by the Education Bureau and students do not need to pay.

Ex.: Computer science, data analytics, and machine learning

Ex.: Junior IT technician, programmer and data analyst

All students must apply through their schools for enrolment in ApL courses. Schools may consider nominating students for ApL courses in light of schools’ curriculum plan and students’ needs. Thus, students who are interested in enrolling in ApL courses need to obtain schools’ nomination for the application. The application results will be subject to the selection results from course providers.


If the ApL courses that students are interested in are not offered in school, students or parents can reflect their needs to the school management so that the school may explore the possibility of offering ApL courses in Mode 1.


For details, please visit the website of Education Bureau.

The above information is for reference only. The School reserves the right to make alterations or to cancel any class/programme without prior notice.

Programmes offered by the School of Continuing Education (leading to HKBU awards or SCE awards, or collaborative programmes) are conducted at various teaching venues, including Kowloon Tong and Shek Mun (Shatin) Campuses and Learning Centres in Tsimshatsui, Kowloon East, and Wan Chai. These venues are well-equipped to support students’ studies. While most of the classes are held at either the Kowloon Tong Campus or the Shek Mun Campus, depending on the School’s development, students may be assigned to take classes at other venues during their study period.