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Certificate & Diploma Programmes


Certificate Course on Student Guidance and Discipline for Teachers of Primary Schools

Certificate & Diploma Programme
1 year part-time
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Commencement : 16 SEP 2024
Application Deadline : 14 JUN 2024
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Cantonese supplemented with English. Textbooks and recommended reading materials are in both Chinese and English.

Programme Features

The School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU SCE) is commissioned by the Education Bureau (EDB) to organise this Course for teachers in primary schools. The objectives of the Course are:

  1. to facilitate participating teachers’ personal growth through experiential activities
  2. to equip participating teachers with necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to integrate guidance and discipline work in the school system
  3. to help participating teachers understand and manage students’ behaviour
  4. to help participating teachers develop, implement and evaluate their school-based guidance and discipline work



The Course is structured according to the requirements as stipulated by the EDB. It comprises the following five modules with a total of 102 contact hours:


Module Code Module Title Hours
Module 1


  1. Roles and functions of guidance and discipline in the school system

  2. Sensitivity training on personal growth, value clarification, stress and time management for guidance and discipline teachers

  3. Comprehensive Student Guidance Service launched by the EDB in the 2002/03 school year and other integrative Guidance and Discipline approaches with relevant overseas experiences in preparing students for today and tomorrow
  4. Understanding and expanding students’ vision as well as developing their competence to adapt to the rapidly changing society and world from the psycho-social perspective.  Examples are learning to learn, making career choices, managing money and taking on their roles in the family
Module 2
  1. Development of proactive guidance and discipline policies and practices as an integral part of the school system

  2. Management and organisation of guidance and discipline work in school including policy formulation, the planning and review of the comprehensive and integrative approaches and record keeping
  3. Cultivating a shared vision and collaboration among teachers towards the guidance and discipline initiatives including cross-subject collaboration
  4. Community resources facilitating the implementation and integration of school guidance and discipline work
Module 3
  1. Series of developmental programmes to enhance students’ adaptability to the transition from kindergartens to primary schools and primary to secondary schools, including students who have recently arrived in Hong Kong, cross boundary students and non-Chinese speaking students

  2. Design, implementation and evaluation of developmental lessons and programmes regarding guidance and discipline such as Personal Growth Education to facilitate the positive development of students for the rapidly changing society and world
  3. Debriefing skills for conducting developmental guidance and discipline lessons and programmes
Module 4
  1. Intervention approaches, e.g. goal setting and problem-solving with interviewing skills practice

  2. Consultation skills for teachers and parents, especially for working with difficult parents

  3. Understanding and managing students with learning, social, emotional and behavioural difficulties including:

    • school bullying, cyber bullying and homophobic bullying
    • membership or other involvement with triad societies, shop theft, habitual lateness and truancy
    • teenage sex, child maltreatment, child sexual abuse and domestic violence
    • mental health problem, student suicide and self-harm
    • current issues, e.g. gambling, drug abuse, cyber addiction, compensated dating, cybersex, cyber traps, and misleading/distorted/harmful apps
    • collaboration with school-based Student Support Teams in helping academic underachievers and students with special educational needs
    • problem-based learning on selected topic/issues
  1. Crisis management procedures applicable to the above incidents

  2. Preventive and remedial programmes/services to address the above issues
Module 5
  1. Understanding legal issues related to school guidance and discipline work

  2. Home-school collaboration

  3. Collaboration with different professionals to work with students, e.g. police, media and health workers


  • The Course will be delivered in a face-to-face mode through various instructional methods including lecture, workshop, group presentation, discussion, case sharing, etc.
  • In case of suspension of face-to-face classes due to any unexpected circumstances, the Course may be switched to an eLearning mode.
  1. Participants are required to attend classes punctually.  Arriving more than 30 minutes late or leaving early will be counted as an absence.
  2. Participants who have attended 80% or above of the scheduled class sessions for Modules 1 – 3 and Modules 4 – 5 respectively, and have obtained an overall passing grade (D grade or above) on the required course assessments will be issued a certificate of completion.
  3. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours will only be revealed in the Teacher’s Personal Profile on the e-services Portal of the EDB upon participants’ successful completion of the Course as stated in item 2 of this part.
Application Fee: N/A
Tuition Fee: The tuition fee is fully subsidised by the Government.
Course Period: 16 SEP 2024–7 JUL 2025
Class Schedule & Venue:
  • Participants are normally required to attend a class session each week.  The class sessions will mainly be scheduled for Mondays # (except public holidays) from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
  • A whole-day workshop on “Personal Growth for Teachers” (Module 1) will be held on Saturday between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm.  The tentative dates for the workshop are 28 September, 5 October, 19 October or 26 October 2024.  The exact date will be announced upon admission
  • The Course will be conducted on the HKBU Kowloon Tong Campus
     (Location map:
  • The confirmed class schedule will be provided to participants upon admission

# Some class sessions may be held on other weekdays and/or Saturdays, if necessary.

Orientation Day: All course participants are required to join an orientation session to be held at 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm on 4 September 2024 (Wednesday) on the HKBU Kowloon Tong Campus.  If the event is cancelled due to adverse weather or extreme conditions, it will be postponed to 5 September 2024 (Thursday), with the time remaining unchanged. Successful applicants will be informed of the details of the event in due course.


Participants should be:

  1. A serving teacher in a primary school; and
  2. Nominated by school heads



(A) Priority will be given to applicants in the following order (experience counted as at 31 AUG 2024):

  1. Those whose schools have no teacher or less than 10% of teachers having attended the same or relevant Certificate or Degree programme organised by tertiary institutions. Priority will be given to the schools with fewer number of the above trained teachers;
  2. A member of the student guidance and discipline team in his/her school in the 2024/25 school year;
  3. Those whose post ranking is higher;
  4. Those who have more years of experiences in the Guidance/Discipline Team; and
  5. Those who have more years of teaching experience. 

(B) Applicants who had previously attended this Course or related courses will not be considered.


  1. Application Deadline: 14 JUN 2024 (Friday)
  2. Application Procedures (via Online Application)
    Applicants are required to complete all the following tasks on or before the deadline specified above:

    1. Please click here to download the School Head's Recommendation (Form A2). Applicants are required to scan and save the completed School Head's Recommendation (Form A2) in PDF format.
    2. Please click here to enter the HKBU SCE Online Application System and fill in the required information.
    3. Please click here for the Supplementary Form (Form A1) and fill in the required information. Applicants are also required to upload the completed School Head's Recommendation (Form A2) (PDF format) before submitting the completed Supplementary Form (Form A1) online.
  3. The HKBU SCE will acknowledge receipt of an application via the applicant's personal e-mail address provided within 10 working days after the receipt of the whole set of application documents. If an applicant does not receive our acknowledgement after the above-specified period, please contact Ms. Wong of the Programme Administration Section (E-mail:; Telephone: 3411 4310).
  4. Applicants will be notified of the application results via their personal e-mail address provided in the application on or before 12 JUL 2024 (Friday).
  5. The recommendation from the applicant’s current school head is one of the essential admission criteria for the Course.  If an applicant is going to leave his/her current serving school in the 2024/25 school year, he/she must inform both HKBU-SCE and EDB immediately.

Collection of personal data adheres to the Privacy Policy Statement / Personal Information Collection Statement (PPS/PICS) of the Hong Kong Baptist University (the “University”). Please refer to for access to the PPS/PICS.

The above information is for reference only. The School reserves the right to make alterations or to cancel any class/programme without prior notice.

Programmes offered by the School of Continuing Education (leading to HKBU awards or SCE awards, or collaborative programmes) are conducted at various teaching venues, including Kowloon Tong and Shek Mun (Shatin) Campuses and Learning Centres in Tsimshatsui, Kowloon East, and Wan Chai. These venues are well-equipped to support students’ studies. While most of the classes are held at either the Kowloon Tong Campus or the Shek Mun Campus, depending on the School’s development, students may be assigned to take classes at other venues during their study period.