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Short Courses


Certificate for Course (Introduction to Arts Administration)
證書(課程: 藝術行政概論)

Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable ProgrammeCEF Course Code: 32C13888-0

Title of Learning Programme on Qualifications Register (QR):

Certificate for Course (Introduction to Arts Administration) [QF Level 3]
programme time icon                                <span style= Qualifications Framework Level: 3     QR Registration No.: 22/000102/L3     Registration Validity Period: 01/04/2022 to on-going

文化藝術及創意產業是香港最具活力的經濟環節之一,需要不同的人才加入,為其注入新元素。本課程旨在透過介紹藝術行政的基本知識例如藝術和文化組織的結構、藝術節目、觀眾拓展、藝術營銷、藝術籌資, 探討藝術管理理念和操作模式,以及面臨的挑戰和機遇。本課程適合從事或者有志加入藝術文化和創意產業人士,學員透過此課程可瞭解藝術行政行業的發展及實際運作,對藝術行政工作大有裨益。


  1. 藝術及文化行業介紹
  2. 藝術文化政策
  3. 藝術活動策劃、製作與組織
  4. 觀眾拓展
  5. 藝術營銷
  6. 藝術籌資
  7. 藝術機構管理及營運


  1. 完成中六或同等學歷。或
  2. 成功修畢毅進計劃課程。或
  3. 持有本院頒發的相關證書或同等學歷。或
  4. 年滿18歲,具工作經驗。


授課語言 粵語輔以英語
名額 30
全期小時 30
學費 $3,370
編號 開課日期 週次及時間
15SSA9301A 三月八日 週三晚7:00-晚9:30


  1. 課程編號:首兩位數字為該課程組別之上課中心代號

黃杏雲女士 (Ms. Shirley Wong)



黃杏雲女士為資深藝術行政人員,曾任康樂及文化事務署高級經理,主管表演藝術場地及博物館、籌劃大型文化項目及社區藝推廣活動等。 黃女士為「藝土民間」始創人之一,參與創建觀塘海濱「發現號」計劃; 亦曾為不同藝術團體提供顧問服務。自2010年,黃女士於多所香港及內地大專院校執教藝術行政、文化政策及創意產業管理等課程。

日期: 2025年2月5日(星期三)

時間: 晚上7時

地點: 課程簡介會在市區教學中心及透過Zoom在線進行

講者: 黃杏雲女士 (Ms. Shirley Wong)


Applications could be submitted either by post or through the online enrolment system. In-person enrolment is also opened during the enrolment period.


OnlineOnline Application

Applications could be submitted through the sceEnrol online enrolment system ( or by clicking the button  on short course pages). Payment could be made by Credit Cards (VISA, Master Card or China Union Pay Card) or PPS Shop&Buy Service. Please pay attention to the terms and conditions applicable to each of these payment methods before you proceed to select payment method.


Please note that if you are successfully enrolled in our short courses for the first time, you are required to present your H.K.I.D card / provide a copy of your H.K.I.D card to the School for identity verification from 15 Feb to 31 Mar 2025. Please pay attention to the instruction on the sceEnrol online enrolment system and follow the steps accordingly. Failure to do so would render you not eligible for any certificates or statements of academic attainment of any short courses you take in this term.


MailBy-mail Application

Complete the Application Form and submit the form together with

  1. a crossed cheque or a cashier order (one for each course) payable to Hong Kong Baptist University. Please write down your name, contact number and section code at the back of the cheque/cashier order;
  2. a photocopy of your H.K.I.D. card or student card of Certificate and Diploma Programmes; and
  3. a stamped self-addressed envelope

to School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2/F, Franki Centre, 320 Junction Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon. Please indicate ‘Application for Short Courses’ on the envelope.


BoxUsing the Collection Box

Put the completed application form together with items (1) - (3) (as stated above) into the collection box at the following offices:

Shek Mun (Shatin) Campus Centre Office
G/F, 8 On Muk Street, Shek Mun, Shatin, New Territories
Kowloon Tong Campus Centre DLB Office 

4/F, David C. Lam Building, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University,

34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon

Town Centre Office 
6/F, 8 Hart Avenue, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon 
Kowloon East Centre Office 
7/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon 
Wan Chai Centre Office 
26/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 

InpersonIn-person Application

Bring along the H.K.I.D card or student card of Certificate and Diploma Programmes (or photocopy) of the applicant and submit the completed application form to the following offices during the counter service hours. Besides cheques, payment of tuition fee could be made in EPSEPS for in-person applications.


Enrolment Centres

Kowloon Tong Campus Centre DLB Office

4/F, David C. Lam Building, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University,

34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon

Town Centre Office 
6/F, 8 Hart Avenue, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
Kowloon East Centre Office 
7/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon
 Wan Chai Centre Office 
 26/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong


Counter Service Hours:

Kowloon Tong Campus Centre DLB Office and Wan Chai Centre Office  
Monday to Friday : 9:00 am-8:00 pm
Saturday : 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Sunday, Public holidays and School holidays: Closed
Kowloon East Centre Office and Town Centre Office  
Monday to Friday : 12:00 noon-8:00 pm
Saturday : 12:00 noon-4:00 pm
Sunday, Public holidays and School holidays: Closed
Enquiry : 3411 5483
By-mail, Online and In-person application

Spring 2025

2 January to 13 February 2025

Summer 2025

2 May to 12 June 2025


  1. Before you apply, please read the course information carefully and pay attention to the announcement of course changes on the School's website.
  2. Applications submitted by mail or using the collection box or via sceEnrol online enrolment system will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis. In-person applications will be processed immediately.
  3. For by-mail applications, please make sure that all application forms have been duly completed and all necessary documents have been enclosed before sending them. Incomplete applications will not be processed but returned by mail to the applicants. The School is not responsible for any loss occurred during the delivery. For online enrolment, please make sure that the information provided such as the courses selected and personal particulars are correct. Otherwise, your applications may be delayed or unsuccessful.
  4. If you apply for two or more sections at the same time or one after another, please note that your applications would be considered and processed separately. Successful enrolment to either section(s) alone would not guarantee your enrolment to other section(s) you apply.
  5. For by-mail and in-person applications, please do not pay by post-dated cheques, postal orders or cash. Only crossed cheques or cashier orders are accepted. Payment of tuition fee could be made in EPS EPS for in-person applications.
  6. The School reserves the right to request for proof on permission of study. Acceptance is subject to the discretion of the School.
  7. If you apply for course(s) in which admission requirements are stated, admission will be confirmed upon verifying the proof within the specified time. Otherwise, the application is just considered as provisional offer and the School reserves the right to reject the applicant from attending the class.
  8. For other courses, Registration Slip and official receipt will be issued to applicants after their applications are processed. Applicants having received the Registration Slip and official receipt may assume their applications successful unless they receive any notification for cancellation of courses before term commencement.
    For applicants who applied by mail or via sceEnrol online enrolment system, normally they will receive the Registration Slip and official receipt by regular mail. Unless they are given notice of course cancellation or applications being unsuccessful before term commencement, they should attend the first class meeting at the place and time indicated on the website even if they have not received the Registration Slip and official receipt, which may be a result of non-delivery. Request for reissuing the Registration Slips and receipts should be made at the learning centre no later than the second week of course commencement. A handling fee of HK$50 will be charged for re-issuance of Registration Slip (not including official receipt) per course while the issuance of certification letter for tuition fee will be charged at HK$50 per copy two weeks after course commencement.*
  9. Your application is successful only when payment is confirmed by the bank. In case of returned cheques, places will be cancelled and students will not be notified. Students who wish to apply again should follow the normal application procedures.
  10. All fees paid are non-refundable except for cancellation of course or rejection of application.
  11. In case of course cancellation, tuition fees paid will be reimbursed within one month after term commencement. Applicants will be notified of the refund amount and procedures by post after the enrolment period. The Registration Slip and Official Receipt of the cancelled course should be returned to the School. All pertinent information submitted for application will not be returned.
  12. The School reserves the right on offering of any individual course / section and to make alterations regarding the instructor, time, place and contents of courses offered. Applicants will be notified should there be any changes or special arrangements on the class schedule.
  13. Unless otherwise arranged between the instructor and the students, a class will be postponed if the instructor takes leave.
  14. Instructors have the right to adjust the contents of the courses for the benefit of the majority of students.
  15. I CertCourses with this icon are Certificate and Diploma Programme courses. Applications other than the School’s Certificate and Diploma Programme students are also welcome. Transfer of credits will be granted to applicants who have completed relevant courses offered by the School prior to registering into the programme. Information about the structure of Certificate and Diploma Programmes, exemptions and application procedures is included in the introduction to ‘Certificate and Diploma Programmes’ on this website.
  16. Please read information regarding Short Courses School Regulations, Examination Arrangements and Certificate Issuance.
  17. Please note that classes will be suspended on public and school holidays. You should also take note of the "Adverse Weather Arrangement."

*Official receipt of tuition fee will not be re-issued two weeks after course commencement.

Application for course / section transfer should be made in person on / before 19 Feb 2025 at the Enrolment Centres. A handling fee of HK$150 will be levied (refundable only for unsuccessful transfer application). HK$300 will be charged for late applications which are subject to approval. Late applications without sufficient reasons will not be accepted. The fee is subject to change without prior notice.

Q: How do I know whether a by-mail or online application has been accepted?

A: You may check your application status at 3411 5483 two weeks after you have sent your application or via sceEnrol online enrolment system on the School’s homepage. H.K.I.D. card number, full name and contact number will be needed for checking.


Q: Must applicants come to apply in person?

A: No, in-person application can be done by your designate. However, a photocopy of the H.K.I.D. card or student card of Certificate and Diploma Programmes of the applicant must be presented.


Q: When will the cheque be debited after my application has been submitted?

A: Under normal circumstances, the cheque will be debited the next day after an application has been received. Post-dated cheques are not accepted. If the cheque is returned by the bank, the place will be cancelled without further notice.


Q: If I submit my application in-person, will it be processed immediately?

A: In-person applications are processed immediately at the Enrolment Centres.

Click here for info on the financial assistance available.

Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Programme / Course This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund.
This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level [3])

The above information is for reference only. The School reserves the right to make alterations or to cancel any class/programme without prior notice.