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Higher Diploma


Higher Diploma in Commercial Design

2 years full-time
programme time icon
Commencement : SEP 2025
Application Deadline : 7 AUG 2025 (Applications submitted after the deadline would be considered on a case-by-case basis when there are unfilled places.)


  • Jewellery Design and Visual Merchandising


The Higher Diploma in Commercial Design programme aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge that will enable them to perform design-related roles in a wide range of work settings within the creative industries.  It covers both technical knowledge and practical skills of various aspects of art and design.  Students are guided to develop and create their own personal portfolios through tailor-made assignments, projects and experiential activities in order to get ready to enter the profession.


Note: The programme will be primarily conducted in the Kowloon East Learning Centre for AY2025/26 intake


Programme Features

  • Qualification awarded by Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Quality assurance by Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Professional teaching team
  • Multiple learning experience
  • Excellent campus facilities
  • Linkage to both local and overseas undergraduate programmes

SCE Vision & Mission
SCE Vision & Mission
Higher Diploma video
HKBU HD - Alumni Sharing
Higher Diploma video
HKBU HD - Envisions your Future
Higher Diploma video

Hong Kong Visual Merchandising Art Association (HKVMAA)


Students of the Programme are eligible to apply for the student membership of HKVMAA.

The Higher Diploma in Commercial Design is a two-year full-time programme. Students are required to take a total of 63 units (21 courses).


Courses Units Number of Courses
Generic Skills Courses 15 5
Discipline Required Courses 33 11
Specialisation Courses 15 5
Total: 63 21

Students are required to take the following courses:


Generic Skills Courses (15 units, 5 courses)
Course Code Course Name Units
HDGS0301 English for Business 3
HDGS0303 Practical Chinese Writing 3
HDGS0305 Personal Growth and Development 3
HDGS0306 Writing Academic English 3
HDGS0307 Business Statistics 3
Discipline Required Courses (33 units, 11 courses)
Visual Culture
Styling Design
Drawing Practice
Creative Illustration
History of Western Art and Design
Design Concepts and Colour Management
Digital Graphics and Imaging
Creative Thinking in Graphic Design
Commercial Photography
Popular Culture in Contemporary China
Integrated Portfolio
Specialisation Courses (15 units, 5 courses)
Jewellery Design and Visual Merchandising
Visual Merchandising Design
Visual Merchandising Drawing and Planning
Jewellery Design
Jewellery Design with JewelCAD
Accessories Design and Application

Students are encouraged to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for enrichment of learning experience and personal development.


Graduation Show

Graduation Show

Site Visits

Site Visits

Visit to F11 Photographic Museum

Visit to Harper’s Bazaar Studio

Drawing Practice

Drawing Class

Asia Fashion Jewellery & Accessories Fair

Visual Merchandising Design Displays


The medium of instruction for formal classroom teaching is English. Exemption from using English as the medium of instruction will be applied for individual courses.

Students who successfully obtain 63 units as required by the programme, attaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 for all courses attempted and having passed all courses stipulated by the programme are eligible for graduation. The qualification of Higher Diploma in Commercial Design shall be awarded by Hong Kong Baptist University.

  • Libraries
  • Learning Commons
  • Recreation facilities
  • IT facilities and web-based learning system
  • Medical and dental services
  • Counselling support

Graduates may choose to apply for admission to the undergraduate programmes including local UGC-funded, self-funded and other overseas undergraduate programmes.




Graduates will be suitable to take up entry to middle-level positions in the private sector such as Graphic Designers, Jewellery Designers, Accessories Designers, Store Designers, Visual Merchandisers, Project Designers, Brand Designers and Artwork Coordinators.


Recognition of Higher Diploma for Civil Service Appointment

Higher Diploma (HD) is a valuable standalone qualification. Holders of such qualification are fully prepared to take up jobs at elementary management and assistant professional levels. At present, 14 grades in the government set locally accredited HD as the qualification requirement for their entry ranks. These grades are Ambulance Officer, Assistant Information Officer (Design) / (Photo), Assistant Leisure Services Manager II, Assistant Programme Officer, Health Inspector II, Immigration Officer, Inspector of Customs and Excise, Inspector of Police, Occupational Safety Officer II, Officer (Correctional Services), Operations Officer (Airworthiness), Police Translator II, Station Officer (Operational) / (Control) and Statistical Officer II.

(Source:, 19/03/2018)

Application Fee: HK$150* (for local students) and HK$300 (for non-local students) 
Tuition Fee:

HK$112,912* (by four instalments)

* Tuition fees and application fees are non-refundable, non-transferable and subject to annual review.

Scholarships to recognise students’ outstanding achievements are bestowed on the selected recipients on the basis of academic merits or other criteria as set out by the School or donors.


Click here for more information on the scholarship.

Government Student Financial Assistance Scheme

Students can apply for Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) and Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS) from the Government. Please refer to the website of Student Finance Office (SFO) for details.


Continuing Education Fund

The Continuing Education Fund (CEF) subsidises adults with learning aspirations to pursue continuing education and training courses. Please refer to the website of CEF for details.


Click here for information on the financial assistance.

The minimum admission requirements of the programme are as follows:

  1. Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE): Level 2 in five subjects* (including Chinese Language# and English Language)


  1. Relevant and substantial work experience and/or prior qualification(s) obtained in or outside Hong Kong with demonstrated ability to undertake sub-degree education


  1. Successful completion of the Diploma of Applied Education


  1. Other equivalent qualifications to be assessed by the School


  1. Applicants aged 21 or above with acceptable qualifications to justify admission


* If one of the five HKDSE subjects is Citizenship and Social Development, the minimum entrance requirement would be “Attained” for Citizenship and Social Development and Level 2 in four other HKDSE subjects including Chinese and English. Level 2 in Mathematics Extended Part (Module 1 or Module 2) is also recognized as one of the five HKDSE subjects. Applicants are allowed to use Applied Learning (ApL) subjects in the application.


# “Attained” or above in Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students) would be accepted as an alternative Chinese Language qualification.

Application Procedure

2025 HKDSE Applicants

The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) applicants can submit their application through the E-APP of the Education Bureau. 



*Subject to changes


Other Applicants

Other applicants should apply through the SCE Online Application system.




New Student Orientation     : August 2025

Commencement of Study   : September 2025


2025 HKDSE Applicants


Payment (for 1st semester)


Due Date


Tuition fee deposit


Noon of 21 July 2025#

by internet banking


Tuition fee balance


7 August 2025


Other Applicants


Admission Offer Issue Date

Payment (for 1st semester)


Due Date


On or before 9 July 2025

Tuition fee deposit


7 working days from the date of offer

by internet banking


Tuition fee balance


18 July 2025

From 10 July 2025 onwards

Tuition fee (No deposit)


Full pay within 2-7 working days from the date of offer (depending on the issue date of admission offer)


#Applicants who apply for the Programme on or after 21 July 2025, please refer to the due date of the tuition fee deposit stated on the debit note.

*Subject to annual review


Higher Diploma Programmes



Friday, 13 June 2025
Time 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm




1. Programme Introduction

2. Campus Facilities & Learning Support

3. Scholarship & Financial Aids

4. Interactive Q&A


Online Registration Click here


The School reserves the right to make changes as required.


(I) Qualification & Recognition

01. What is Sub-degree?

Sub-degree is a collective term of post-secondary qualifications. It includes Higher Diploma and Associate Degree, both of which are at Level 4 under the 7-level Qualifications Framework.


02. What are the differences between Higher Diploma and Associate Degree programmes?

Both Higher Diploma and Associate Degree programmes equip students with generic skills, practical vocational skills as well as knowledge in specialised disciplines. In general, Higher Diploma programmes are more vocation-oriented while Associate Degree programmes put more emphasis on general education. Upon completion of Higher Diploma programmes, graduates will have acquired knowledge and skills necessary to further study in universities or pursue career in professions.


03. Are the Academic Awards of this Programme conferred by the HKBU?

The awards are conferred by the Hong Kong Baptist University.


04. Has the Programme gone through any accreditation?

The Programme has gone through a vigorous accreditation process and was approved by the Senate of HKBU. Consistent review exercise is regularly performed to ensure the teaching, learning and assessment of the Programme are in good quality and are up to standard. Referring to the Qualifications Framework (QF) established by the Education Bureau (please see below), the qualification of the Programme is equivalent to Level 4.


Level 1: Certificate

Level 2: Certificate

Level 3: Diploma

Level 4: High Diploma, Associate Degree

Level 5: Bachelor Degree

Level 6: Master Degree, Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma

Level 7: Doctorate Degree


More information can be also obtained from the Information Portal for Accredited Post-secondary Programmes (iPASS).


(II) Application & Admission

05. Can I apply for the Programme?

The minimum entry requirements of the Programme are as follows:

  • Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE): Level 2 in five subjects# (including Chinese Language* and English Language); OR
  • Successful completion of the Diploma Yi Jin; OR
  • Other equivalent qualifications to be assessed by the School; OR
  • Applicants aged 21 or above with acceptable qualifications to justify admission.

# A DSE applicant is allowed to use not more than two Applied Learning subjects in the application.
* “Attained” or above in Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students) would be accepted as an alternative Chinese Language qualification.



06. How can I apply for admission?

HKDSE candidates: candidates can submit their applications through the “Electronic Advance Application System for Post-secondary Programmes” (E-APP) of the Education Bureau.

Other applicants: applicants can submit their applications through the SCE Online Application System.


07. Do I have to attend any admission interview?

Applicants will be invited to attend an admission interview, if necessary. Individual notification of the interview details will be sent to the applicants by e-mail or phone.


08. Are there any information talks about the Programme?

Information Talks will regularly be held. For details, please visit the programme webpage.


(III) Fees & Aids

9. Can I apply for financial assistance from the government?

The following government financial assistance schemes are available for students:

  • Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary students (FASP)
  • Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary students (NLSPS)
  • Student Travel Subsidy for Tertiary Students

For further information, please visit the website of the Student Finance Office (SFO).


10. Has the programme been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund (CEF) purposes?

Some courses of the programme have been included in the list of reimbursable courses for CEF purposes. Please refer to the website of CEF for details.


11. Are there any scholarships or grants?

Scholarships to recognise students’ outstanding achievements are bestowed on the selected recipients on the basis of academic merits or other criteria as set out by the School or donors.


(III) Programme

12. Where are the teaching venues?

Programmes offered by the School of Continuing Education (leading to HKBU awards or SCE awards, or collaborative programmes) are conducted at various teaching venues, including Kowloon Tong and Shek Mun (Shatin) Campuses and Learning Centres in Tsimshatsui, Kowloon East, and Wan Chai. These venues are well-equipped to support students’ studies. While most of the classes are held at either the Kowloon Tong Campus or the Shek Mun Campus, depending on the School’s development, students may be assigned to take classes at other venues during their study period.


13. What is the medium of instruction?

The medium of instruction for formal classroom teaching is English. Exemption from using English as the medium of instruction will be applied for individual courses.


14. What facilities and services are available for students?

.Learning Commons
.Recreation facilities
.IT facilities and web-based learning system
.Medical and dental services
.Counselling support


15. Are there any graduation requirements for the Programme?

Students who successfully obtain 63 units as required by the programme, attaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 for all courses attempted and having passed all courses stipulated by the programme are eligible for graduation.


16. If I failed a course, what should I do?

In case a student failed in a course, he/she may be allowed to sit for supplementary examination or needs to re-take the course.


17. Will I have the opportunity to further my studies after completing this Programme?

Graduates may choose to apply for admission to the undergraduate programmes including local UGC-funded, self-funded and other overseas undergraduate programmes.


18. What is the career prospect after graduating from this Programme?

Graduates will be suitable to take up entry to middle-level positions in the private sector such as Graphic Designers, Jewellery Designers, Accessories Designers, Store Designers, Visual Merchandisers, Project Designers, Brand Designers and Artwork Coordinators.


Recognition of Higher Diploma for Civil Service Appointment

Higher Diploma (HD) is a valuable standalone qualification. Holders of such qualification are fully prepared to take up jobs at elementary management and assistant professional levels. At present, 14 grades in the government set locally accredited HD as the qualification requirement for their entry ranks. These grades are Ambulance Officer, Assistant Information Officer (Design) / (Photo), Assistant Leisure Services Manager II, Assistant Programme Officer, Health Inspector II, Immigration Officer, Inspector of Customs and Excise, Inspector of Police, Occupational Safety Officer II, Officer (Correctional Services), Operations Officer (Airworthiness), Police Translator II, Station Officer (Operational) / (Control) and Statistical Officer II.
(Source:, 19/03/2018)

Second Runner-up (Student Group),

The 23nd Hong Kong Jewellery

Design Competition (Theme: The Interlock)


First Runner-up (Student Group), The 18th Hong Kong Jewellery Design Competition (Theme: Heart)


Second Runner-up (Student Group),

The 22nd Hong Kong Jewellery Design Competition (Theme: Yanxia Ring)


First Runner-up (Student Group), The 18th Hong Kong Jewellery Design Competition (Theme: Heart)

First Runner-up (Student Group), The 19th Hong Kong Jewellery Design Competition (Theme: Marriage)

Students’ Works

Alumni Sharing

Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Programme / Course This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund.

The above information is for reference only. The School reserves the right to make alterations or to cancel any class/programme without prior notice.

Programmes offered by the School of Continuing Education (leading to HKBU awards or SCE awards, or collaborative programmes) are conducted at various teaching venues, including Kowloon Tong and Shek Mun (Shatin) Campuses and Learning Centres in Tsimshatsui, Kowloon East, and Wan Chai. These venues are well-equipped to support students’ studies. While most of the classes are held at either the Kowloon Tong Campus or the Shek Mun Campus, depending on the School’s development, students may be assigned to take classes at other venues during their study period.