


Master of Nursing (Clinical Leadership) - Western Sydney University

2 years part-time
开课日期 : OCT 2025
截止报名 : 6 JUN 2025
CNE : 128 points

3411 4305


Programme Features

The programme is uniquely designed for nursing professionals to develop their leadership capacity in a manner that enables them to implement transformative change while maintaining nursing excellence within the clinical practice environment.  The programme aims to provide Registered Nurses with the theoretical knowledge and critical thinking skills to prepare them for advanced practice in the clinical setting. Graduates will be able to synthesise and apply advanced nursing concepts in order to lead nursing practice and optimise health outcomes.

Master of Nursing (Clinical Leadership) Banner

Western Sydney University

The Western Sydney University (WSU) is a metropolitan university spread over eleven campuses in Greater Western Sydney, a diverse and growing region of economic opportunity and community aspiration. The University is a substantial and influential institution with over 44,000 students enrolled across the campuses. The University is designed for the knowledge economy of the 21st century where economic growth and social outcomes will depend on the skills of individuals and communities, and where education will be flexible and continually adapt to meet individual needs.


School of Nursing and Midwifery

The School of Nursing and Midwifery is a national leader in nursing and midwifery education, research and scholarship with the largest undergraduate pre-registration nursing degree course, and a wide selection of postgraduate programmes in midwifery and specialty areas of nursing in Australia. The School is ranked in the top 50 World University Rankings for Nursing.


Having a reputation for providing contemporary, relevant and high quality education, the School also commits to support clinical education and research activities. With strong associations with Area Health Services in Western Sydney, the School, as internationally connected, has links with universities over the world.


Students who successfully pass the assessment of all the subjects required in the programme and fulfill the attendance requirement of each subject are qualified for graduation. The Master of Nursing will be awarded to these students by the Western Sydney University.


Attendance Requirement

The attendance requirement of the programme is 75% for the lecture component of each subject.

Western Sydney University · HKBU Health Award

To recognize the outstanding performance of student, the Western Sydney University and the School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University would jointly present a Health Award to the highest achieving student at the end of each Intake.


The programme consists of seven subjects, totalling 80 credit points.


Each subject is normally in the form of 18-hour face-to-face lectures and tutorials, supplemented by a comprehensive set of self-learning materials and resources. The programme structure is summarized below:



(Please Create Anchor Point Links for each Unit)

Credit Points
Leadership in Clinical Practice (NURS 7028) 10
Leadership for Quality and Safety in Health Care (PUBH 7018) 10
Cultural and Social Diversity in Health Care (NURS 7019) 10
Evidence-based Health Care (NURS 7023) 10
Building Organisational Capacity in Health Care (HLTH 7002) 10
Policy, Power and Politics in Health Care Provision (PUBH 7020) 10
Capstone Experience in Health Care (NURS 7065) 20

The study sequence is subject to change without prior notice.

In this subject, nursing leadership arising from expert clinical practice is explored as a general notion rather than as one arising from within any particular clinical specialty. Content includes theories, concepts and styles of leadership, the development of leadership potential, motivation, coaching, and mentorship, concepts of power, authority and empowerment and discussion of contemporary leadership issues. Assignments provide students with the opportunity to apply new knowledge about leadership to their practice, whether they be in management, education or clinical roles.
In this subject, students learn about the quality and governance frameworks and strategies that they can employ within health care to improve system performance, patient safety and patient outcomes. The main approaches used to address quality of care and patient safety are examined and their applications critiqued. Students will explore leadership issues for developing systematic, coherent quality improvement frameworks and quality initiatives that can be applied within their own sphere of practice.
This subject encourages students to investigate and discuss the concepts of health and illness in the context of cultural and social diversity. The subject promotes the attainment of critical knowledge and core principles necessary for students to become holistic, culturally and socially sensitive and appropriately adaptable when meeting the health needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, other marginalised and vulnerable groups including refugees and those from LGBTI community, and people from other diverse cultural and social backgrounds. A case study approach provides a framework for students to explore the impact of different attitude and value systems relating to the health of peoples in Australia.
This subject is designed to develop students' knowledge of the principles and processes necessary for evidence-based clinical practice. General concepts associated with evidence-based health care are explored. In addition students are assisted to formulate focused clinical questions and conduct a comprehensive literature search for research evidence that may assist in answering such questions. Issues and techniques involved in the rigorous appraisal of research reports are addressed. The importance of clinical significance and individual patient preferences when making clinical judgments about the implementation of research findings are also explored.
The concept, form and structure of health care organisations are explored. Organisational theory is used to analyse contemporary health care structures. Factors which influence organisational design, function and effectiveness are discussed including: organisational behaviour, strategy, culture, power and politics, technology, sustainability and effectiveness. A major focus is planning for strategic organisational development to meet the challenges of rapid change and the need for performance improvements in patient care delivery. Concepts related to the strategic development of workforce capacity in the health care arena considered through the application of theories including the learning organisation. Leadership is examined with emphasis on change management.
This subject enables students to gain an understanding of the political and social constructions that underpin health care services and of the relationship between politics and power in the construction of health policy. It also provides students with the opportunity to explore health care policies and critically analyse issues related to the development, implementation and outcomes of health policies. The subject presents ethical and legal dilemmas and constraints involved in formulating and enacting policies.
This subject offers a range of options for students to integrate, extend and reflect on the professional knowledge and skills gained through their masters level studies. It will provide a framework within which students can explore professionally relevant situations. Students will have the opportunity to nominate, plan and execute a capstone experience relevant to their professional interests. In doing so, students will develop a professional portfolio or e-portfolio that will incorporate the work undertaken during the degree studies and extend to include a critical reflection of their graduate capacity and professional development.

Classes will be conducted in English.

Library Facilities


High quality references and information services are provided in the libraries where students could get access to excellent collection of study materials, general reference materials, electronic databases and special collections. With an increasing emphasis on electronic resources, off-campus access to libraries' comprehensive online materials, such as e-journals and e-books, is also available to students over the Internet.


To support and enhance learning, students have access to the following libraries:

  • Western Sydney University Online Library
  • HKBU Main & Online Library


Supporting Workshops


To strengthen students' research and writing skills, the following supporting workshops would be provided at the beginning of the programme:


Academic Writing Workshop
Assisting students in their academic writing endeavors at the postgraduate level, the workshop provides practical and conceptual information on referencing, critical thinking, reading and writing skills. Students will have hands-on experience in constructing arguments and concept mapping. In addition, to further prepare students for structuring assignments and making proper referencing, a writing skills enhancement workshop would be offered to students in the first quarter of the programme.


Library Instruction Workshop
This workshop provides an overview of the services and resources available in the HKBU Main Library. To prepare students for completing their assignments, effective search strategies and useful search engines would be introduced in the workshop.

Application Fee: HK$200

Tuition Fee

(for 2025/26 academic year):

HK$15,000 (per 10 credit points)



Western Sydney University · HKBU Health Award

To recognise the outstanding performance of student, the Western Sydney University and the School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University would jointly present a Health Award to the highest achieving student at the end of each Intake.



  1. Applicants must:
  • be a Registered Nurse (currently registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency – Nursing and Midwifery), or eligible for same, or hold a certificate of registration of nursing, within the last five years, in their own country;
  • have two years full-time equivalent work experience as a registered nurse or registered midwife within the last five years; and
  • complete an undergraduate degree in health-related sciences (AQF Level 7 or equivalent), in health science, human science, midwifery, naturopathy, nursing, nutrition, psychology OR complete a Graduate Diploma in Nursing (AQF Level 8 or equivalent), or higher, in a health-related discipline.
  1. Applicants should possess an appropriate level of English proficiency and may have to provide documentary evidence as deemed necessary.


Application should be submitted either by post or in-person to the Division of Nursing Education,  School of Continuing Education, 2/F, Franki Centre, 320 Junction Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon (please mark "MNCL" on the envelope with the following documents):

  1. A completed Application Form which can be downloaded from this website ;
  2. An application fee of HK$200 (non-refundable). Please click HERE for the application fee payment instructions; and
  3. Photocopies of the following documents:
  • HKID card;
  • Certificate and transcript of the Bachelor's degree;
  • Certificate of Registration and Practising Certificate;
  • Proof of full-time equivalent work experience as a registered nurse or registered midwife;  
  • Certificate/Diploma of professional qualifications (if any); and
  • Print out and attach the application fee payment confirmation as a proof of payment.


Application for Advanced Standing (Credit Exemption)

To apply for Advanced Standing for prior learning, applicants are required to submit the application form which can be downloaded from the link below, together with relevant documentary proof for respective contexts:

  • Certificate and transcript of previous postgraduate studies.


Application Forms

Date 24 March 2025 (Monday)
Time 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Venue Virtual Meeting via ZOOM

Professor Kath Peters

[Associate Dean (International and Engagement), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Western Sydney University]


Professor Lucie Ramjan

[Director of International (Programs and Engagement), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Western Sydney University]

Seat Reservation: Click here


DLB : David C. Lam Building, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University, 34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon

#1 If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is hoisted or Black Rainstorm Signal is in force at or after 3:00 pm on the day of information seminar, the scheduled seminar will be cancelled.
#2 If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is hoisted or Black Rainstorm Signal is in force at or after 11:00 am on the day of information seminar, the scheduled seminar will be cancelled.

The School reserves the right to make changes as required.

(I) Qualification & Recognition

01. Is the award conferred by the Western Sydney University?

Yes. The award is conferred by the Western Sydney University.


02. Does the programme require local registration under the Education Bureau?

In compliance with the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance, the programme is exempted from registration under the Ordinance. The registration or exemption from registration of a non-local programme is an assurance that the institution offering the programme is a recogniszed body in the home country, as conveyed by the Non-local Courses Registry of the Education Bureau. Further details regarding the Ordinance can be obtained via the Education Bureau website at www.edb.gov.hk


(II) Application & Admission

03. How should I submit my application? What supporting documents do I need to submit?

You can submit your application either by post or in-person to the Division of Nursing Education, School of Continuing Education, 2/F, Franki Centre, 320 Junction Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon. You should submit the following documents with your application form

  1. An application fee of HK$200 (non-refundable) made payable to “Hong Kong Baptist University” by a crossed cheque; and
  2. Photocopies of your HKID card, Certificate & Transcript of the Bachelor degree and Certificate/Diploma of professional qualifications (if any).


04. What is Advanced Standing (Credit Exemption) and what support documents do I need to submit for my Advanced Standing application?

The granting of Advanced Standing will be assessed on an individual basis and may be offered for previous postgraduate studies. Applicants need to submit their certificate and transcript of previous postgraduate studies for the Advanced Standing application.


05. How much is the tuition fee and how should I pay it?

The programme tuition fee is HK$15,000 per 10 credit points that is to be paid on a subject basis. In general, the tuition fee would be due six to eight weeks prior to subject commencement. Except for the first instalment that is to be paid by a crossed cheque, the tuition fee can also be paid by ATM, Internet Banking, Credit Card or PPS.


06. When and how will I know my application result?

All applicants will be informed of their application results by e-mail, normally within one month after the applications. Successful applicants will then be invited for in-person registration to confirm the enrolment.


(III) Study Mode (80-credit-point pathway)

07. When will the programme begin?

Programme commencement is  October each year.


08. What is the normal study pattern for students?

The programme (80-CREDIT-POINT PATHWAY) is offered on a part-time basis and is divided into seven study terms. In general, students are required to take one subject in each term. Classes are normally held on weekday evenings, in the form of 18-hour face-to-face lectures and tutorials.


09. What is the length of the programme?

In general, student should be able to complete the programme within two years.


10. How many classes are there for each subject?

In general, there are four lectures and two tutorials session for each 10-CREDIT-POINT UNIT. A typical term is scheduled as follows:

Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4


Week 5


Week 6


Week 7


Week 8


Week 9


Week 10 


Week 11


Week 12

Self-revision & break


11. What is the medium of instruction?

Classes will be conducted in English.


12. What is the assessment methods?

In general, students’ performance will be gauged by two pieces of continuous assessment in the form of essay, report, case analysis, reflection paper, etc.


13. What is the attendance requirement?

An attendance of 75% is needed for the lecture component of each subject in order to complete the programme. For instance, students are required to attend three out of the four lectures of a 10-CREDIT-POINT UNIT in order to fulfil the attendance requirement.


14. Where will the classes be held?

Normally, all classes will be held in our HKBU Kowloon Tong campus.


15. Are library facilities available?

Yes. Student have access to the WSU Online Library and HKBU Main & Online Library.

It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this course may lead.
Exempted Course of Non-local Courses Registry, Education Bureau (Reference Number: 411834, 411835)
WSU CRICOS Provider Number: 00917K

The above information is for reference only. The School reserves the right to make alterations or to cancel any class/programme without prior notice.

Programmes offered by the School of Continuing Education (leading to HKBU awards or SCE awards, or collaborative programmes) are conducted at various teaching venues, including Kowloon Tong and Shek Mun (Shatin) Campuses and Learning Centres in Tsimshatsui, Kowloon East, and Wan Chai. These venues are well-equipped to support students’ studies. While most of the classes are held at either the Kowloon Tong Campus or the Shek Mun Campus, depending on the School’s development, students may be assigned to take classes at other venues during their study period.