- Formed the Extramural Studies Organising Committee and designated 25th April as the Founding Day.
- Established the Institute of Gemmological Studies.
- Established the Hong Kong Baptist College Extramural Studies Island Learning Centre.
- Renamed the "Division of Extramural Studies" as "Division of Continuing Education".
- Introduced the first overseas degree programmes - Ohio University Associate Degree and Bachelor's Degree programmes - from the United States to Hong Kong.
- Collaborated with the University of Strathclyde from the United Kingdom to launch the Division's first British degree programme - Master of Business Administration programme.
- "Division of Continuing Education" was upgraded to "School of Continuing Education", and became one of the six schools/ faculties of the Hong Kong Baptist College.
- Founded the Institute of Hotel Management.
- Established Tsim Sha Tsui Learning Centre.
- Offered the School's first Australian degree programme - Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing) programme in collaboration with the University of Western Sydney (Renamed “Western Sydney University” in 2015).
- Founded the Leung Kau Kui Hanyu Institute to promote the learning of Putonghua and train Putonghua teachers.
- Received government funding of $5 million to offer the four-year part-time Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education programme with the University of Hong Kong School of Professional and Continuing Education and Hong Kong Institute of Education (renamed the Education University of Hong Kong in 2016).
- Established headquarters and teaching facilities in David C. Lam Building on Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) Shaw Campus.
- Retitled the Chinese name of the School to "持續進修學院".
- Collaborated with Beijing Normal University to offer the first Putonghua teacher training programme in the territory.
- Launched the "2+2" programme - the first full-time community college type programme in Hong Kong - in collaboration with the Western Michigan University, United States.
- Offered the first self-funded certificate and diploma programmes in early childhood education in Hong Kong to support the government's policy in merging kindergartens and child care centres.
- Established the Town Learning Centre, the School's first owned commercial property, in Tsim Sha Tsui.
- Founded the Centre for Professional Development in Chinese Medicine.
- Acquired official recognition of the Certificate in Early Childhood Education programme by the then Education Department and Social Welfare Department for registration as qualified kindergarten teachers and child care centre workers.
- Opened Hong Kong's first Chinese medicine clinic which was jointly operated by a university (HKBU) and a hospital (Hong Kong Baptist Hospital).
- Opened a Chinese medicine clinic in Tsim Sha Tsui in collaboration with the Quality Health Care Asia Limited.
- Opened the 12-storey SCE Tower on Baptist University Road Campus.
- Launched the HKBU Bachelor of Education (Honours) programme independently.
- Launched the HKBU Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education programme - the first of its kind in Hong Kong.
- Launched the part-time Bachelor of Chinese Medicine programme. All Chinese medicine related programmes and clinics were then incorporated into the University's newly founded School of Chinese Medicine.
- Established Hong Kong's first university affiliated kindergarten – HKBU Kindergarten, providing students of early childhood education with opportunities to put theory into practice.
- Founded the College of International Education (CIE) which launched HKBU Associate Degree programme.
- Changed the Chinese name of the School to "持續教育學院".
- Acquired two floors of Franki Centre in Kowloon Tong as the School's new headquarters.
- Moved the Island Learning Centre from Wan Chai to Cosco Tower, Sheung Wan.
- Awarded the first batch of Associate Degree in Hong Kong.
- CIE signed Articulation Agreement with six universities in the US and Australia, offering “2+2” bachelor’s degree programmes.
- Opened the HKBU Institute of Research and Continuing Education (Shenzhen), providing a platform for the University to offer continuing education programmes in mainland China.
- Offered the full-time self-funded undergraduate programme in collaboration with the University of Wollongong, Australia.
- Acquired a site of 6,520 m2 in Shek Mun, Shatin and an interest-free loan of $360 million by the government to build a new College of International Education campus.
- Offered the first 2-year self-funded undergraduate programme in collaboration with other HKBU Faculties/Departments, allowing more associate degree or higher diploma graduates to pursue a degree.
- Established the Early Childhood Education Division to further promote early childhood education training.
- Incorporated HKBU's Jockey Club Centre for the Advancement of English for Professionals (CAEP) into the School.
- Opened the 30,000 m2 HKBU Shek Mun Campus, Shatin, where the College of International Educationis situated.
- Offered the first self-funded postgraduate diploma programme in collaboration with another School/Faculty of the University, providing opportunities for degree holders to acquire higher qualifications.
- Signed a collaboration agreement with the Mandarin Training and Testing Center of the State Language Commission and established the HKBU Putonghua Proficiency Test Centre.
- Opened Wan Chai Learning Centre, an owned property of 1,300 m2 in Wu Chung House.
- Launched the "Accord of Learning Organisations" scheme to establish learning partnership with different organisations.
- Merged the Early Childhood Education Division and Teacher Education Division and renamed them as Early Childhood and Elementary Education Division to reinforce the School's expertise in teacher training.
- Opened Kowloon East Learning Centre, an owned property of 1,600 m2 in Millennium City 3.
- Launched SCE alumni services to facilitate and strengthen the communication between the School and its alumni from different disciplines.
- Opened the 1,800 m2 Causeway Bay Centre in Windsor House.
- Launched "SCE Friends" services by expanding SCE alumni services to cover HKBU's students, graduates, staff as well as other stakeholders; and provided an "SCE Friends" card offering cardholders various privileges.
- The associate degree programme of the College of International Education underwent reaccreditation to meet HKBU's undergraduate programme requirements under the 3, 3, 4 education system.
- Launched Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education.
- Launched Yi Jin Diploma (retitled "Diploma Yi Jin" since 2016).
- Established an Art Room and a Fitness Room at SCE Tower, as well as a Dance Studio at DLB.
- All self-funded HKBU "top-up" degree programmes were revamped into honours degree programmes and underwent reaccreditation under the 3, 3, 4 education system.
- Offered a 4-year full-time Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education programme under the 3, 3, 4 education system.
- Launched the top-up degree Programmes co-run with the University of South Australia.
- Launched higher diploma programmes.
- Launched Diploma of College Foundation Studies.
- Established SCE’s first research centre, Multi-disciplinary Research Centre with three specialised laboratories, namely Active Living Lab, Social Science Research Lab, and Testing and Analytical Lab, with the support of UGC RGC IDS funding.
- Expanded and renovated Tsim Sha Tsui Learning Centre.
- Launched the first HKBU Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) with the University listed as Gazetted Registered Nursing Training School. Three Nursing Laboratories at SCE Tower were established to provide practical training.
- Established the Research Management Committee to support research projects by academic staff.
- Launched CLAP-TECH Pathway, an education model that incorporates career and life development in its curriculum throughout the five-year journey with emphasis on nurturing both ICT knowledge and attributes ubiquitously essential to all workplaces. Under the Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, CLAP-TECH Pathway adopts a tripartite collaboration between three parties, namely HKBU SCE, industry partners, and secondary schools in Hong Kong.
- Commemorate the 45th Anniversary of the School, and 20th Anniversary of the College of International Education and HKBU Kindergarten.